Code of Honor for students of Aktobe Humanities Colledge

  1. General rules The code of honor for students of Aktobe Humanitarian College in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education” and “On State Youth Policy” defines the basic principles and generally accepted moral and ethical standards of their behavior.
  1. The main principles of the student code are:
  1. Students of the Aktobe Humanities College should be worthy citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan and patriots of their homeland. Students behave honestly and decently, adhere to the ethical and moral requirements of relationships between themselves and their elders, strive to develop the best qualities of a creative personality;
  2. Students should respect their peers and adults, not be rude to others, show sympathy for socially vulnerable people and, as far as possible, take care of them
  3. Students are a model of decency, culture and morality, must be intolerant of manifestations of immorality and do not allow manifestations of discrimination on the basis of gender, nationality or religion;
  4. Must master the knowledge, skills and practical skills in full of state compulsory education standards, attend training and practical classes;
  5. If you miss classes for good reason, personally or through relatives, inform the organization of education;
  6. When being on outpatient or inpatient treatment, he must notify the educational institution with the subsequent presentation of supporting documents;
  7. Students must comply with and comply with the Charter of the organization of education and the Rules of the internal labor schedule of the college;
  8. They must comply with the classical style of clothing (forbidden: to expose areas of the body (stomach, lower back, chest), wear a hijab, apply bright and defiant makeup, wear eye-catching jewelry, causing piercings);
  9. Students support a healthy lifestyle and completely abandon bad habits;
  10. Students must respect the traditions of the institution, protect its property, monitor cleanliness and order, participate in creating normal conditions for learning and living in a hostel;
  11. Follow the rules of military registration;
  12. In the process of training, students should be engaged exclusively in educational activities, without interfering with their conduct, respectfully and correctly treat teachers, staff and college students;
  13. Students are prohibited from bringing weapons, explosives and flammable substances, gas sprays, alcohol, drugs or other intoxicants, objects that are not related to educational activities and pose a danger to life to the territory of the educational institution and use in any way and the health of others;
  14. Smoking is prohibited on the territory of the educational institution;
  15. Students are prohibited from using offensive words and deeds. To clarify the relationship, students should not use physical force and use rude expressions. The use of physical force offends the dignity of a person, and therefore actions directed against the person are strictly prohibited;
  16. Students should recognize as necessary and useful any activity aimed at developing creative activity (scientific, educational, sports, artistic, etc.), to enhance the corporate culture and image of the institution;
  17. Outside the walls of an educational institution, students should always remember that they are representatives of this educational institution and make every effort to preserve its honor and dignity;
  18. Students should deal with all types of academic dishonesty, including: cheating and turning to other people for help while undergoing knowledge control procedures; the provision of any training materials (essays, course, control, diploma and other works), including Internet resources, as the results of their own work; the use of family or official ties to obtain a higher score; absenteeism, lateness and skipping classes for no good reason;
  19. This Code of Honor is required for all students of the educational institution to comply;
  20. Students are responsible for violating this Code.
  • Тұрманова Қаламқас

  • Буреш Елена

  • Джанбауова Аружан

  • Музыкант Екатерина

  • Насрединова Айжан

  • Мукатова Айнура









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