Monday, 20 January 2020 08:46


A book is a spiritual commandment that is left to the next generation. If we stopped reading, we would not even mind

G. Musrepov

Eskarina R.Zh. - Head of the library, higher education, total work experience of 14 years, including 4 years in this college.

Koblandina N.S. - Librarian, higher education, total work experience of 16 years, including 3 years in the college library.

Information on the activities of the college library is the highest power that will bring our country to a new stage in the future - this knowledge and educated generation.

An educated generation is the backbone of our sovereign country. An educated generation is a person rich in spirit, high demand and adhering to a healthy lifestyle, having a high level of knowledge and skills. In a new society, which is undergoing radical changes, it is not enough to be knowledgeable, including you need to have patriotic qualities, also to be moral, humane, humble and courageous.

Today's students strengthen their love for future specialists in the country, and in their efforts to increase patriotism and humane qualities, library staff read the history of the nation, traditions and cultural heritage, and literary treasures. They should be able to spread through books. Working with students, developing respect and love for the library is one of the main tasks of the library.

Aktobe Humanities College is one of the leading educational institutions of technical and vocational education in the Aktobe region, which trains modern competitive specialists. Today, the educational institution prepares mid-level specialists in 12 specialties that are in demand in the labor market.


Library description

The library of the Aktobe Humanities College has been operating since its foundation in 1922. The total area is 160.4 m2, the total number of seats in the library is 40

Targets and goals:

  • Serving students to become a unique cultural and spiritual center that fosters national self-awareness and spiritual education;
  • Satisfy readers with a variety of complete information, following the passage of time;
  • Increasing readers' interest in reading by organizing various forms and methods of promoting books that promote personality development, systematic, professional transfer of our rich heritage to our library;
  • Implementation of innovative areas of work, the study and application of best practices.

The library is the only social place that affects the acquisition of comprehensive personal knowledge, political consciousness and the scientific, professional, cultural level through the book.

The modern library of the college is information technology in teaching and learning and is responsible for this task - the main goal and requirement of the modern library;

The college library is available on the Internet, and there is also video and photocopying equipment used for the library. The college has an e-mail library, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The site has a special page AGK. You can find all the information about the library on the AGC page. Our library has 11 computers, 1 printer and scanner. The library uses email to process documents. There is a computer center for the needs of the library. In the videos of professional adaptation work, advertising materials are created, information is posted on the site. The safety, relevance and integrity of information will be updated on the site. For the exchange of information using e-mail, telephone, Internet and fax.


History of  the College Library

The library of Aktobe Humanities College has existed since 1922 from the day the college was founded.

The library is one of the social places, which makes it possible to obtain comprehensive knowledge through books, to form a political consciousness and contribute to raising the scientific, professional and cultural level.

The library seeks to fill the inner world of its readers with deep knowledge of the scientific and cultural environment.

Library structure

  • Subscription
  • Reading room
  • Department of fiction


Basic principles of the library

  • Providing information relevant to the profile of the institution;
  • Selection of quality products in the information and book market;
  • Timely replenishment of the book fund.

Library face

The library of the college is an innovative information center, the work of which is based on modern information technologies and is aimed at the prompt and complete satisfaction of users' requests by the library.

Our resources

Book Fund - 71,361 copies


  • Textbooks, teaching aids - 53,228
  • Teaching aids - 9,794
  • Fiction - 8 339
  • E-books - 52
  • Periodicals - 120

Library Information Retrieval System

  • Alphabetical, systematic and subject catalogs;
  • A systematic file of articles;
  • Thematic and special catalogs;
  • Internet;

Business cooperation

  • Regional universal scientific library named after S. Baysheva
  • Youth Library named after S.Zhienbaev
  • Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov
  • Aktobe regional scientific and practical center
  • Colleges’ libraries at Aktobe

The library council consists of 5 people

Chairman of the board:

  1. B.M. Zhamekova - Deputy Director for Educational and Methodological Work


  1. R.Zh. Eskarina - head of the library;
  2. G.K. Dauletkalieva - teacher of special disciplines of the specialty "Librarianship";
  3. N.S. Koblandina - the librarian;
  4. A. B. Saқabaeva - student of the KTX - 205 group.


The library asset consists of 25 students.


Who owns the information, owns the world.

The college library eventually changes from the traditional work direction to the innovative one. The reading room has 11 computers connected to the Internet. College teachers and students have the opportunity to use various sources to improve their knowledge and search for information.

Our advantages:

The Internet is the main data center for searching data in the world.

Our goal is quality service

The college library provides an opportunity to fully satisfy your information needs, increase your qualifications and use your time rationally.

Features of  Library User

  • alphabetical, systematic and subject catalogs;
  • systematic file cabinets of articles;
  • thematic and special catalogs;
  • Internet;
  • bibliographic indexes, reference books, encyclopedias;
  • Email;
  • electronic delivery of information;
  • reference and bibliographic services;

Mass work of library

In the college library, various mass events are planned as planned.

Plan of public events according to the approved plan for 2018-2019.

The college library hosts scheduled events. According to the action “One Country - One Book”, a literary evening was held on the theme “Shakarim is our treasure”, dedicated to the writer's work.

Purpose: To bring to youth the role and importance of Sh. Kudaiberdiev’s work for the present. Reading works of the poet, revealing their ideological content.


A poetic evening dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the outstanding Kazakh poet Utezhan Nurgaliyev was held.

Purpose: To familiarize with the life of Utezhan Nurgaliev, to reveal the content of his works and provide information on the history of the event. Familiarization of the public with the works of the poet. Attracting students to read books.

The project “Book. Youth. Information Technology"

Purpose: For college students to read and promote the best works in our national literature, to promote learning, preserve our spiritual heritage and educate young people in patriotism and morality. The project stimulates students' interest in Russian literature, including classics and literature.

April 23 is a book illustrated installation dedicated to World Book and Copyright Day.

In the reading room of the college there was a book exhibition "Әлем таныған кемел тұлға" at which a bibliographic review was conducted.


  1. Providing information about the life of the first President of the Kazakh people Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev, about the place of birth, education, service;
  2. Take an example from the leader of the nation, educate the homeland, love people, courage, citizenship, national patriotism;
  3. Awareness, respect and love for the leader in the heart of the student.


Library staff make a great contribution to the development of cognitive and research activities of students.

In the era of modern information technology, the future of our state is the need for the younger generation to study the latest technologies in modern education and training. This requires a lot of research and reading. In this regard, in the future it is planned to receive an automated library program.

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