Monday, 20 January 2020 08:59

Competitions, projects and awards

On November 19, 2016, akim of the region Berdibek Mashbekovich Saparbayev visited our college in order to familiarize himself with the material and technical base, the educational process and the achievements of students and teachers. A visit to our college by such a distinguished guest was a great honor for students and teachers.

Familiarization of the oblast akim Berdibek Mashbekovich Saparbayev with the high achievements of the college choir team under the leadership of M. Kuspanov.

The moment of familiarization with the works of students, awarded prizes in various competitions.

Director of the college Eraly Gubaevich Nurgaliev during the celebration of the best teachers of the current academic year at the traditional «Ustaz. Zhastar. Bolashak - 2016»

Director of the college Eraly Gubaevich Nurgaliev at the traditional forum "Ustaz. Zhastar. Bolashak 2016" during the rewarding of students who have achieved success in the current academic year.


“The support of independence is our guarantee” dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a debate-educationally-chosen tournament was held at the college. Topical issues of discussion: “The youth of modern Kazakhstan is a patriot, not a patriot” Purpose of the tournament: large-scale advocacy of the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan in promoting increased political literacy among teachers. The debate was attended by teachers of the departments "Primary Education", "Culture and Music", "Preschool Education and Training", "Mathematics and Computer Science" Teams consisted of 3 teachers. The team members, performing and discussing tasks on the relevant topic, showed their skills and mastery. The jury members summarized the following results: Teacher of the “Culture and Music” department Kuspanov Merbol Orazbekovich was awarded the nomination “Best Speaker.” The departments were awarded with diplomas and won prizes, І-place department of “Mathematics and Computer Science”, ІІ place - “Primary Education”, ІІІ place - "Culture and music", "Preschool education and training."

Teacher Trezhangyzy Zhanar was awarded a scientific and methodological center for the student's achievements, who took the 3rd place in the 3rd Republican competition "The Best Scientific Project".

Student Kalysheva Ansagan (supervisor Zhanar Torezhangyzy) was awarded a scientific and methodological center, taking second place in the 3rd Republican competition “The Best Scientific Project”.

A student Maylybae V is awarded diploma of the second degree. Laureate of the Republican creative competition "Kazakhstan's Waters: Water Quality for Life and Rest", supervisor Kudaibergen. S.P.


On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Tauelsizdіk-tygyrym”, Nesipbaev S., Sagynbaev M took the 1st place in the art competition.

Student Sulimkereeva A. (supervisors Zhamekova B.M., Adilova Zh.M.) was awarded at the scientific conference "Potential Kazakhstan with the President" among students of technical and vocational education dedicated to the Day of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Teachers K. Dilmukhamedova, A. Mulkamanova, G. Zhamankulova, K. Espanova were awarded a diploma of the I degree following the results of the Regional Olympiad among English teachers, who showed deep knowledge and a high level of professional skill.

Kolbaeva Akmaral was awarded a diploma of the I degree (supervisor Turgambay Ardak) in reading reports among students to the 850th anniversary of the death of Akhmed Yassaui “The place and role of life activities of Akhmed Yassaui in the history of the Turkic people”

For professional excellence, college psychologist B. Nurmukasheva was awarded a diploma of the I degree in the regional correspondence competition “Portfolio of teacher-psychologist”

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