Monday, 20 January 2020 09:35

Seminars, conferences

The Aktobe Regional Scientific and Practical Center in conjunction with the Aktobe Humanitarian College held the annual ІІІ Republican student scientific and practical conference on the topic: "Results of student research: analysis and problems", dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Astana. The conference was held in Kazakh, Russian and English languages. Students' works were divided into six sections. The jury included scientists from West Kazakhstan State Medical University named after M. Ospanov, Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov, Aktobe University named after S. Baishev, candidates and doctors of colleges in Aktobe. The conference was attended by more than 200 students, including from Karaganda State University named after E. A. Buketov, Ural Pedagogical College named after H. Dosmukhamedov, Higher Medical College of Astana, Atyrau Humanitarian College named after K. Dutbaeva, Kokchetav Higher Medical College, Aktau Humanitarian College, Karaganda Higher Medical College, Mangistau Industrial and Technical College, West Kazakhstan Engineering and Technology College, students of 14 colleges of Aktobe region.





On November 15, 2018, together with the Aktobe Regional Scientific and Practical Center, the project office "Rukhani Zhangyru" of the Aktobe region, the organization of the Aktobe Humanitarian College, a student scientific and practical conference was held on the theme: "Transition to Latin - a step into the future." The purpose of the conference: development students of cognitive activity and intellectual creativity, the dissemination of scientific and practical experience, the formation of effective research methods of the Latin alphabet. ence: to promote and encourage research activities of young people, revealing the intellectual and creative potential of young researchers, extension of research activities studentov.Zaslushany and discussed reports on the following fields:

  1.  The transition to the Latin alphabet - the basis of the language of science and education in the XXI century
  2.  Effective ways to switch to the Latin alphabet in the education system
  3.  The transition to the Latin alphabet - an approximation to the world process

The scientific and practical conference was attended by students of colleges of the Aktobe region. At the conference, to facilitate and stimulate the research activities of youth, the work was analyzed in three directions, conducted in Kazakh, Russian and English.

The jury consists of scientists from the Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov, candidates of philological sciences from the Aktobe University named after S. Baishev, specialists from the Office for the Development of Languages ​​of the Aktobe Region and the project office of the Aktobe Region “Rukhani Zhangyru”.





Together with the regional scientific and practical center in the college, a training seminar was held on the topic "Methodology for conducting criteria-based assessment in primary education." The seminar was attended by methodologists and teachers of colleges graduating students in the specialty "Primary Education". Experienced college teachers provided methodological assistance in finding solutions to problems, providing valuable information on the criteria-based assessment methodology.





Together with the National Center "Orleu" teachers of the department "Culture and Music" organized a regional seminar "Renewed education is the key to the future." The seminar was attended by teachers of music schools and preschool organizations of the region



Together with the Aktobe Regional Scientific and Practical Center, a regional round table was held on the theme “Pearl Droplets of Mastery”. The seminar was attended by Orleu specialists from the Central Scientific and Educational Center, as well as teachers working on the updated educational program of city and district schools. During the seminar, the structure, content and goals of the updated educational program in primary subjects, approaches used in accordance with the updated curriculum were discussed, features their application, the role of an active teacher, the use of criteria-based assessment system in the updated curriculum   




According to the plan of the School of Professional Excellence, Kazakh language teachers Balgazieva Lyazzat and Aldongarova Akpatsha held a seminar on the topic "New approaches in teaching and learning, dialog-based learning." Seminar participants received extensive information about the methods used to introduce dialogic learning.




According to the plan of the School of Professional Excellence, pedagogical teachers Nazira Buribaeva and Raigul Bulebaeva held a seminar on the topic "Teaching critical thinking." During the seminar, participants learned how, based on practice, to use pedagogical methods of critical thinking.




According to the plan of the School of Professional Skill, Russian teachers Abdullina Gulzira and English teachers Kurmanbekova Aigul, Amantaeva Indira held a seminar on the topic "How to intensify learning, taking into account the age characteristics of children." During the seminar, the participants studied and discussed the development and upbringing of younger students , middle and older.



According to the plan of the School of Professional Excellence, college teachers Botagoz Zharkaeva and Gulzhanat Iztleuova conducted a training seminar on the topic "Application of information and communication technologies in teaching and learning." During the seminar, the participants actively studied the best ways to use information materials.



According to the plan of the School of Professional Excellence, mathematics teachers Gaini Zhunusova, Almagul Kanibekova and Meiramgul Uraztaeva conducted a training seminar on the subject of "Assessment for training and assessment." The seminar demonstrated the importance of criteria-based assessment for the content of updated education. All types of work were carried out using an effective teaching method. The seminar participants positively evaluated the event and its significance.




According to the plan of the school of “Professional excellence”, teacher of pedagogy Irina Umarova and teacher of Russian language and literature Ellina Karasaeva conducted a training seminar on the topic “New content of education: a group form of work”. During the seminar, the participants got acquainted with the work of small groups: with the organization of work in small groups, taking into account the differences between formally employed and active workers.



According to the plan of the School of Professional Excellence, music teachers Zhusupova Meiramkul and Shumakova Sholpan, teacher of pedagogy Shangalaeva Rabiga held a seminar on the topic "Education for talented and gifted children." The aim of the seminar was to increase group activity thanks to talented and gifted children. The organizers interested participants using game techniques that enhance their creativity and memory.



According to the plan of the School of Professional Excellence, the teacher of natural sciences Nietbaeva Kabira conducted a seminar on the subject “Training in critical thinking”. During the seminar, several ways of developing critical thinking were presented.



According to the plan of the School of Professional Excellence, teacher of pedagogy Anargul Nuraskanova and technology teacher Gulnar Bultenova organized a training seminar on the topic “Management and leadership”. At the training seminar, participants demonstrated effective ways to guide leaders in the group by identifying leadership features and using the qualities and abilities of students in the group.


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