Monday, 20 January 2020 10:16

Volunteer club "Мейірім"

Human commitment to serve his people

Do Not go off the road, keep conscience, remember it


Head Of The Club "Meyirim" Zhumaganbetova Bakit Tenilbaykyzy

About the club. In 2016 with the initiative of Aktobe Humanitarian College students a charity club "Meyirim" was created on the basis of the specialties "Primary Education", "Preschool Education", "Literature and Languages", "Mathematics and Information Systems", "Culture and Music".

The purpose of the club: To provide humane assistance to the unprotected part of the population, to form the political culture and civil position of students.

Club responsibilities:

  1. Charitable action "With a pure heart", it’s an assistance in the implementation of charitable actions of funds for supporting of disabled, disabled children and their parents;
  2. Charitable action "My Family" Humanitarian assistance to socially disadvantaged families and families of oralmans;
  3. Charitable action "Our children" Social and psychological assistance to children orphaned and left without parental care;
  4. Charitable action "Respect for older generations!" organization of work on rendering social and humanitarian assistance to veterans and lonely old people;
  5. To support the traditions of the "Social responsibility" movement; to develop and continue to participate in socially important humanitarian actions;
  6. To organize a charitable action "Children's protection day" in honor of an international holiday in orphanages, treatment centers for children with disabilities;
  7. To attract sponsors as volunteers, to help organize charitable events with socially important ideas;
  8. To organize new forms of social work of children in state and non-state organizations in social environment;
  9. To create new International and social links.

Activities of the members of volunteers club

  1. Spiritual and moral (create conditions for the development of physical, psychological, spiritual, social and creative formation of the person in the upbringing of self-knowledge and socio-civil restraint.)
  2. Social and pedagogical (to carry out activities for free activity of children with disabilities, children with psychological deviations.)
  3. Ideological education (to increase the social and civil legal literacy of children in society, to participate in various patriotic actions and events.)
  4. Cultural and educational (formation of social and practical social norms, regulation of cultural, political and traditional values in the organization of volunteer activities)
  5. Social and political (together with social and public organizations to conduct educational work on the legal protection of social orphans and disadvantaged families.)
  6. Advertising campaign (through the mass media to support socially important ideas and activities of social responsibility of volunteers.)
  7. Animator (to support the creative activity of children in their free time in orphanages, treatment centers, children's camps).

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