Monday, 20 January 2020 09:11

Demonstrative lessons, master classes

Teacher of Information technology  Atolgyn Buribay and teacher of English Aigul Kurmanbekova organized a coaching lesson on the topic “Using ICT in integrated lessons.” The purpose of the coaching is to show how to use information technology in organizing the educational process and the use of new pedagogical technologies in teaching, using the best scientific achievements. Participants were shown how to Using the Kahoot game platform, you can develop and perform test tasks.



Foreign language teacher Amantayeva Zaura give the demonstrative lesson on the theme Complex Object with prepositions to, for ”,  within the framework of the ten-day seminar of Foreign Languages ​​and Informatics and Information Systems teaching groups on the topic: "Updated content of education - the basis of the teacher's professional activity". During the lesson, different teaching methods were demonstrated, new pedagogical technologies were used to develop students' speech activity. Students gained new knowledge of grammatical material and were able to use a complex supplement in their speech.


25.10.18 within the framework of the 10-day educational and methodical association "Foreign language" "Informatics and information systems" on "Updated content of education is the main activity of the teacher". Foreign language teacher Zhumasheva Dinara give the demonstrative lesson on the theme "The famous actors in Kazakhstan. Pronouns much, many, little, few. ". The purpose of the open lesson was to teach monologic and dialogical speech, to get acquainted with the culture of the film of Kazakhstan, to get acquainted with different genres of the film, famous actors of Kazakhstan, broaden the horizons of students.


Teachers of biology and geography Sveta Kudaibergen and Botagoz Zharkaeva in the framework of the Decade "Innovations in reading and learning - the source of success" of educational and methodical subject associations "Natural sciences, physical education and NVP" and "Socio-economic disciplines" held a round table "Features of teaching natural sciences" . The aim of the round table is to exchange the experience of teachers of elementary school social partners with students of the department "Primary Education" on the features of teaching natural sciences in the content education. The round table was attended by the deputy director for primary school and primary school teachers in Aktobe. They shared their experiences, told how practical work in the natural sciences, seminars, workshops are conducted, how work is being done in the Living Corners, about the hours allocated to natural disciplines. In turn, fourth-year students of the specialty "Primary Education" of the Aktobe Humanitarian College spoke about the difficulties encountered during practice, and ways to solve them.




On November 27, 2018, at the Aktobe Humanitarian College, on the decade “Innovations in Teaching and Learning is a Source of Success” of educational and methodical subject associations “Natural Sciences, Physical Education and Initial Military Training” and “Socio-Economic Disciplines” a workshop on the topic “Methods preparing winter plans for college. " The seminar was conducted by chemistry teacher Nurbol Toksanbaev, history teacher Gaysa Nurmanov, biology teacher Mereke Seyten. In the practical part of the seminar, teachers developed and analyzed models of short-term plans adapted to the college, using the materials presented by him.




In accordance with the plan of the decade “Innovation is a new requirement”, together with the educational associations “Kazakh language and literature”, “Mathematics and physics”, teachers of the department “Mathematics and information systems” Kanibekova Almagul, Uraztaeva Meiramgul, Zholmaғambetova Zamzagul conducted a seminar lesson on the topic "STEAM Technology". Teachers shared their experiences in developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills by providing information on STEAM technology.





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  • Тургунова Карина

  • Шалабаева Динара

  • Утегенова Сымбат

  • Әшір Ұлжан

  • Тәңірбергенова Гүлбану

  • Төлеуқара Гүлжаз









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