Sunday, 26 January 2020 16:34

College history

The history of the college has been operating since 1909, in Aktobe, on the basis of the city school with four-year training, a pedagogical class was organized. A year later, two-year teacher training courses began. In a short time, on the basis of pedagogical courses in the 1922-1923 academic year, a pedagogical college was opened. Thus, the history of our educational institution registered in the educational system of the Kazakh Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic began from that time. In 1925, only the Kazakh department functioned in the pedagogical school. In 1927-1928, a training group was opened for Kazakh girls, in which only 20 Kazakh women studied. In the same years, evening and correspondence departments were opened. From 1931 to 1945, that is, for 14 years, the educational institution was located in the city of Temir. In 1937, the institution began to be called a pedagogical school. In 1945, the teacher training college moved to Aktobe. Among the first graduates was Uzakbay Kulymbetov. Uzakbay Kulymbetov is a unique person who has gone from a simple aul teacher to a major statesman.

At that time, the technical school was the only educational institution in the city. Most of the graduates, teachers, and leaders of this educational institution come from auls not only from the region, but they were prominent state, public, and cultural figures throughout the republic. Among them are A.A. Afanasyev, A.N. Kazanskaya, J. Tilepbergenov, D. Imashev, V.N. Parfenov, Sh. Uderbaev, A. Asenov, D. Ya. Nikiforov, K. Zhubanov, M. Dayrabaev, K.Kosaev, K.Abdullin, R.Sarsenova, A.Ekibaev.

During World War II, many graduates of the school were called up to defend their homeland. Graduates of the school Idris Urgenishbaev, Fedor Ozmitel and Kozhabay Zhazykov were awarded the highest military award and the honorary title of Heroes of the Soviet Union.

The school is known not only in the region. His famous graduates spoke with pride throughout the republic: academician Akhmet Zhubanov, correspondent member of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan Rabiga Syzdykova, poet, playwright Bakir Tazhibaev, writer Otebay Kanakhin, journalists Karim Yerzhanov, Musa Dinishev, Smagul Mukashev, Yerekesh Birmanov. Among graduates there are many holders of the titles of Honored Teachers of Kazakhstan, excellent students of education, candidates of science. Among the first graduates we can name the pride of our educational institution - Honored Teacher of Kazakhstan G. Aktaev, Zh. Zhankozhin, teacher - musician E. Terekov.

In 1970, the preschool and music departments were opened at the school. In 1980, Kazakh departments and a labor department were opened at school in all specialities to train teachers for labor training for secondary schools. Celebrations in 1992 of the 70th anniversary and in 1997 of the 75th anniversary of the institution were held on republic level. In the year of the 75th anniversary of the educational institution, the creative work of 16 teachers was marked with the sign "Excellence in Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan." In 1993, for the excellent passing by the school of the Republican certification, the opportunity was obtained to transfer to a new type of educational institution - a teacher training college. In 1997, the Teachers College after reunification with the Aktobe Cultural and Educational College was reorganized into the Aktobe Humanitarian College. To implement the state program for the development of the Kazakh language and languages ​​of other nationalities of the republic until 2000 in college, in order to teach the Kazakh language in Russian school, foreign languages ​​in Kazakh school as an additional speciality, the training of Kazakh and English specialists was started.

In accordance with modern requirements, in 2005, specialty 0111000 "Basic secondary education" was opened with qualifications 0111063 "Teacher of mathematics" and 0111013 "Teacher of the Kazakh language and literature"

In 2008, the celebration of the 85th anniversary of the college was held on the republic level.

In 2011, the college, having achieved the nomination "Best College of the Region", was awarded a grant by the Akim of the region.

In 2012, according to the results of the Independent Assessment of the Quality of Students, the college was awarded the "Certificate of Merit" of the regional akim and a cash prize.

In the 2011-2012 academic year, according to the results of the marathon-relay race “Blossom Village - Blossom Kazakhstan”, the 3rd year student of the specialty “Technician Programmer” Robertuli Zinur was awarded with a car.

Since 2012, the college is headed by "Honorary Employee of Pedagogical Activities" Eraly Gubaevich Nurgaliev. Along with the training of specialists, taking into account the needs of the labor market, a lot of work was done to improve the material and technical base of the college. Particular attention is paid to improve the literacy of students in various fields of science. Physics, chemistry, multimedia and language laboratory rooms are equipped according to the modern model. One of the noteworthy achievements is the opening of a gym for students and teachers. After the opening of the hall, the level of participation of students and teachers in various regional and republican sports and athletic meetings increased.

Since 2013, in order to summarize the academic year, the achievement of teachers of retirement age, the achievement of students has become a tradition of the festival "Ustaz.Zhastar.Bolashak"

In 2014, the speciality “Teacher of the Russian language and literature” was opened.

In the 2015 academic year, based on the results of assessing the level of professional training of graduation groups, the college was awarded with an “Honorary Diploma” by the akim of the region A. Mukhambetov and a cash prize.

The college provides training for specialists on the basis of basic and secondary education in 9 specialties, 12 qualifications. To date, college teachers are organized to 12 subject-cycle commissions.

In October 17, 2016, a memorial plaque was opened to the 40-year-old pedagogical activity of Iskak Raiymbergenov, an excellent student of the education of the Kazakh SSR, teacher, composer, musician.

In March 2017, a cabinet of an outstanding personality named after Abіsh Kekіlbaev, a national writer, statesman and public figure was opened at the Aktobe Humanities College. The purpose of opening the cabinet is to study the life and work of the writer, a deep study of the opinions of prominent personalities and memories of him, as well as a study of the writer's skill, an in-depth familiarization of future specialists with the novels "Anizdin akyry", "Urker", "Elen-alan" and his other works which are of great educational importance in harmony with national interests and modern public views. To date, the scientific and creative center "Abish Tagilimi" works in this cabinet.

In October 2017, the abinet of Yskak Raymbergenov was opened, who worked at the Aktobe Pedagogical School for 40 years, as a craftsman, art historian, kyushi, musician and teacher. The teacher investigated the acoustic warehouse of folk instruments: kobyz, dombra. Many musical instruments were made by the master himself. He reconstructed the kobyz, conducted a study expanding the capabilities of the instrument. He wrote articles about folk instruments and folk art. At present, college students are studying the work of Yskak Raymbergenov under the Murager program, authored by art critic Abdulhamit Raymbergenov. The son of the teacher Abdulhamit Rayymbergenov conducted a master class for future music teachers and introduced college teachers with his work. In this cabinet, the work of the Murager scientific and creative center has begun.

From May 1 to December 1, 2018, a contest "Man of the Year 2018" was held at the Aktobe Humanitarian College. The purpose of the competition is to develop the professional authority of employees, support and encouragement, determine a comprehensive personality who is actively involved in creativity, has the latest ideas, and the high professionalism of a leader and master who has achieved certain successes.

The winner of the “Man of the Year 2018” contest was announced Kuspanov Merbol Orazbekovich - choir conductor, music teacher. The winner of the competition was rewarded at a ceremony dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the form of a cash prize.

At the regional championship on professional excellence according to the WorldSkills standard “WSK Aktobe-2019”, the competence “Preschool education and upbringing” was introduced, the winner of which was the 3rd year student, Amangos Madina. At the moment, preparations are underway for the national championship, which will be held shortly in Astana.

International cooperation in the field of education in the field of technical and vocational education, familiarization with the experience of foreign countries and the introduction of best practices, memorandums were signed with Orenburg Pedagogical College named after N.K. Kalugina, Chuvash State Institute of Culture and Arts. At this time, joint work is underway in the development of promising projects and research.

In May 2019, Aktobe Humanitarian College successfully passed the institutional and specialized in 6 accreditation specialties conducted by the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education in order to determine the quality of service in the education system.



In order to implement the policy of providing high-quality and quick student services and the opening of the EduSmart Service Center in college, the Platonus College system was introduced in the academic year 2018-2019.

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