Sunday, 26 January 2020 16:25

Regulation on the organization and conduct of professional practice for students of Aktobe Humanitarian College

1.Practical training of students at Aktobe Humanitarian College is an integral part of the educational process. Its main goal is to: 1) deepen, consolidate and consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained by students through the acquisition of experience, and develop business skills related to their specialties, 2) provide professional orientation of the work; 3) ensuring the relationship of theoretical training and production training in accordance with the needs of the labor market; 4) promoting the adaptation of society and the labor market to changing needs; 5) participation in the work of the labor collective. Training and production practice of students Guide to the "Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Education", Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 369 dated September 11, 2013 and Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 107 dated January 29, 2016 "Rules for the Organization and Management of Professional practices and rules for determining organizations as the basis of practice ”to the Regulation“ On the organization and conduct of educational and industrial practice at the Aktobe Humanitarian College ”and the State General Mr technical and vocational education in accordance with the delivery of standard and curricula.

The following practices are available:

Educational experience:

Production and technological experience.

1.2. The goals and objectives of all types of practice are determined by standard samples of professional practice training programs approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. On the basis of standard programs, curricula are developed for each type of practice. The working curriculum is considered at a meeting of the Educational and Methodological Organizing Committee of the college and approved by the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs.

1.3. The curriculum provides an explanation of the type of practice, goals, objectives, time frame and the number of hours allocated, the subject and content of the practice are written as much as possible (the contents of the school curriculum are sometimes included). Students will be provided with the necessary knowledge, skills and business skills, responsibilities of students and methodologists, types of documents to be submitted, and literature. In the absence of a standard program, an adaptive work program is created.

1.4. Depending on the practice, the curriculum may be changed depending on the period of study, placement, all changes are made as directed by the director of the college.

1,5. At the beginning of the school year, the place of the base is determined and an agreement on training, internship is drawn up. The contract specifies the rights and obligations of the parties. The base of practice is taken by the educational institution, which has the material and technical base, highly qualified teaching staff and is ready to provide methodological assistance to college students.

1.6. The order of the director of the college on the placement of students at the place of internship is issued no later than one day before the start of the internship, and a copy of the order at the place of internship is issued.

1.7. If a student wishes to take an internship at an educational institution that is not required during the internship or in accordance with the student's application, a request from the educational institution can be sent to the specified educational institution by sending a letter or concluding an internship agreement for an individual student.

1.8. At the end of the experiment, an evaluation will be evaluated and a checklist filled out. The grade obtained is considered equal to the final grade for the course taken in theory, and affects the overall performance of the student.

1.9. After completing the practice, the grade for the grade will be included in the student’s diary under the heading "Educational, other practical practices."

1.10. a student who did not participate in the practice for a good reason (for health reasons, etc.), after filling out a certificate of absence, will complete the practice after school. On the other hand, the expelled student will be disqualified.

1.11. Before the internship begins, students will be informed about the type of practice, goals, objectives, proper completion of documents, a list of necessary documents for submission, instructions on labor protection, safety and road safety, and a special journal will be signed.

1.12. a conference is held to summarize the practice, the student's work is summarized and the grades are approved.

1.13. Part-time students are provided with only pre-diploma work experience (30% of the total number of hours covered by the curriculum).

1.14. A correspondence student working in the specialty brings a certificate from the place of work and presents a copy of the work. Students who do not work at all, find a job, after the internship will be able to evaluate the characteristics, reports, lesson plans, etc. Submit documents.

1.15. grades are summarized according to the type of practice.

1.16. In practice, the following documents are issued:

- Schedule of the educational process with a period of practice for the academic year (approved by the director of the institution).

- Journal of labor protection, health and road safety.

- a vocational training journal for each group

- checklists based on the results of the practice of each group.

- materials of the final conference.

- Practice student documents.

1.17. Student's practical work (resume, report, diary, etc.) is reviewed, evaluated and transferred to the college archive for review. Shelf life in accordance with the range of buildings.

1.18. Payment of internships in basic institutions is made once every six months according to the approved estimate.

1.19. Approved Methodist receives College Billing Payments. If the approved methodologist is replaced by another, the department will fill out an additional form and pay the amount prescribed by law.

1.20. Folklore practice can be carried out as practical work with the aim of collecting samples of oral literature, as well as by performing theoretical tasks for a deeper study of the history of literature and folklore. For folklore practice, samples of oral literature can be sent to the village (at the place of residence), as well as excursions to local history, ethnographic and art museums.


Internships are conducted on the basis of a college or basic practice in accordance with the curriculum and the educational process schedule. The content is organized in accordance with the curriculum and is carried out in accordance with the Regulation on labor practice. The teaching experience of the college is based on theoretical training, with a preliminary schedule and an approved director of the college. Practical lessons on a production basis are organized in accordance with the order, students follow, analyze, fill out the diary of teacher and classroom activities.

The purpose of educational practice:

A) to teach students to carry out pedagogical work in primary and secondary schools.

B) Improvement and consolidation of theoretical knowledge in the field of pedagogy, psychology and subject methods.

B) be able to work with students and teenagers.

D) education of love for the profession.

Educational practices:

-health training;

-natural sciences and ecology (natural sciences) (familiarity with nature, surrounding phenomena);

-introduction to teaching

-extracurricular activities technology

-working specialty (subject chosen by the student)

-work with the Internet (computer technology)

-preparation for competitive practice

-preparation for summer practice;


-preparation for undergraduate practice;

-introductory, informative

-teaching experience



-Network technologies

-Object oriented programming

-Fundamentals of microprocessor technology

-Software development technology

-Computer Operator (Business)

-Creation and maintenance of IP information systems

-Under Unix

-Software Development and Support


Pedagogical 0105000 `` Primary education '' (0105013 `` Primary education teacher '', 0105033 `` Primary education teacher in a foreign language ''), 0101000 `` Preschool education and training '', 0111000 `` Basic secondary education '' ( 0111063 `` Teacher of mathematics '') The main goals of the practice in the following specialties: 0111013 “Teacher of the Kazakh language and literature”, 0111033 “Teacher of the Russian language and literature”, 0107000 “Technology”, 0108000 “Musical education”:

1.Independent organization of educational work of students of secondary schools, preschool organizations, the search for creative ways to solve the basic problems of communication and education, knowledge of the psychological characteristics of children.

2.To teach children to work with children and adolescents, to work with methodological literature and to use them in practical work.

3.To consolidate and consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained in the field of pedagogy, psychology and subject methodology.

4.Love for the teaching profession.

4.Continuing the practice is the final stage of the final theoretical and practical training to guide the future work of students. During this internship, students acquire skills and abilities to work independently.

For specialties 0401000 "Library Science", 1304000 "Computer Hardware and Software":

- independently organize work in the specialties.

- the acquisition of skills in the specialty;



Administration Tasks:

1.It creates the necessary conditions for internships and provides general guidance.

2.Determines the internship base, concludes an internship agreement with institutions.

3.Fulfill the obligations stipulated by the Agreement.


Deputy Director for Academic Affairs:

1.Plans, organizes, conducts and captures the results of educational practice;

2.He chooses the basics of practice, schools in which pedagogical practice is carried out, preschool organizations, concludes contracts.

3.Interns are divided into practice centers, schools and instructors are provided;

4.Develops a draft order on the direction of students in teaching practice;

5.Organizes and participates in initial and final practical conferences;

6.He visits the basics of practice, monitors the work of the experiment, introduces improvements and eliminates the shortcomings.

7.He counts the hours to pay for the practice and passes it to the accounting department.

8.Supervises the work of college instructors and interns.

9.He attends classes of students, extracurricular activities, analyzes and evaluates their classes and classes.

10.He studies the documents of the students and makes a final assessment.


Responsibilities of a specialist (methodologist):

1Divide drivers into small groups into classes and groups.

2.To acquaint teachers and teaching staff of the school with the purpose, content, organization and practice of practice.

3.Before you start your internship, hold a meeting and explain to your student interns goals and objectives.

4.Visiting the lessons and trainings of trainers, recording diaries of achievements and shortcomings in the analysis process.

5.After completing the internship, collect, view and send student practical documents to the practical department.

6.Assessment of the intern with the teacher.

7.Accountability to the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs on teacher remuneration.

8.Participation in conferences based on the results of practice, selection of good reports by the trainee.

9.Complete the internship journal, test book, and workbook at the end of the internship.

10.To approve individual recommendations for each trainee and the program of extracurricular activities and extracurricular activities.

11.Attends, analyzes and evaluates student and extracurricular activities.

12.Helps school teachers conduct demonstration classes and events.

13.Responsible for student safety during internships.


Responsibilities of the department head and group leaders:


1.To assist the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, methodologists in organizing, conducting and conducting internships as necessary.

3.In the process of training and internship, it controls the participation of students in the department, identifies the reasons for the loss of students, reports to the department of attendance.


Responsibilities of the management and staff of the practice site:

1.Reception of interns, subgroups together with the head of practice, familiarity with jobs.

2.Acquaintance of an experienced methodologist with an intern, acquaintance with curricula.

3.Conducts demonstration lessons, teaches how to find, create and use teaching and visual aids.

4.Determines the topic of the lesson according to the thematic calendar plan, helps to draw up a lesson plan, gives advice.

5.In accordance with the curriculum, teaching hours are allocated, the topic of extracurricular activities helps to prepare.

6.Attends, analyzes and evaluates classroom activities and extracurricular activities.

7.Introduces students to teaching materials in the classroom, personal papers of students and interacts with students and parents.

8.Characterizes based on practice, participates in the final conference.


Students - interns of the Aktobe Humanitarian  College:

1.Following the rules of the institution’s internal routine, fulfilling the duties of the head of the institution, the head of practice, as well as teachers and methodologists.

2.keeping a practice diary, timely preparation of relevant documents, timely submission.

3.Strict observance of labor protection, safety rules and labor discipline.

4.Accomplishment of all tasks stipulated by the internship program.

5.Conducting lessons, extracurricular, educational activities in accordance with the established schedule.

6.Participation in analytical, extracurricular, educational activities of other trainers

7.Be polite and considerate in practice.


At the end of the internship, the student intern must provide the following documents:

1.Practice diary.

2.Written report on the work done.

3.Student characteristics approved by the head of the institution.

4.Portfolio (event materials, lesson plans, lesson plans and illustrations, etc.)

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