The code of honor of the pedagogical staff of the State Public Institution "Aktobe Humanitarian College"

  1. General Provisions
  2. This Code of Honor for college teaching staff (hereinafter - the Code) is developed on the basis of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”, the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 23, 2015, and the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 18, 2015 on the goal “On Combating Corruption” ", As well as the order of the acting Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 9 dated January 8, 2016 “On the Approval of the Rules of Pedagogical Ethics” in accordance with generally accepted moral and ethical standards for all normative acts relating to education and upbringing, determines the basic principles, norms and standards of behavior, as well as moral -ethical relations of educators-workers.
  3. Teachers - employees include the director of the college, deputy directors for educational work, for educational and methodical work, for industrial practice, information work, teachers, department heads, methodologists and other employees who are on the list of teachers, as well as persons equated to them, approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  4. In college, teachers are people engaged in educational activities related to the education and training of students (according to article 50 of the Law "On Education"). Educators are government employees.
  5. Public service - this is the professional activity of public servants aimed at fulfilling official duties for the implementation of the tasks and functions of state enterprises and state bodies, as well as professional activities aimed at ensuring and functioning of their official duties.
  6. A government employee is a person who performs official duties in state-owned enterprises, working in state institutions, having a full-time position on a paid basis in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in order to fulfill his duties and functions.
  7. The Code aims to promote the upbringing of children and the upbringing of children in college, the formation of a high level of intercultural interaction in pedagogical activities and the prevention of unethical development.

       2.Deputy directors and department heads ensure compliance with the requirements of this Code, as well as the text of this Code should be posted in a visible place at the educational institution, after the adoption of this code within 3 days, all educators must read it in writing. Newly hired employees should be familiar with this Code.


The basic principles of pedagogical ethics "On Education", the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 23, 2015, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 18, 2015 goals "On combating corruption", and are also based on generally recognized moral principles and norms of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


The basic principles of educational ethics are:

      1) good faith:

      the conscientiousness of the teacher implies his responsibility for the result of training and education, the ability to make adjustments in his activities, the developed ability to criticize and reflection, openness to any opinions of students, parents, colleagues;

      2) honesty:

      the honesty of the teacher implies the openness of his assessment activities, the transparency of the educational environment created by him. Honesty forbids the teacher to violate the rights of the student, his parents (legal representatives), colleagues;

      3) respect for the honor and dignity of the individual:

      The teacher respects the honor and dignity of the student, parent, dignitaries, who are the objects of his professional attention, should be tactful in communicating with them. He sincerely wishes the student to develop, shows willingness to always come to his aid, delicately evaluates all the successes (not successes) of the student. The use of methods of physical, moral and mental violence against participants in the educational process is not allowed;

      4) respect for universal values:

      Recognizing the priority of universal values, the teacher respects the characteristics, values ​​and dignity of each national culture.

      The teacher fosters a culture of interethnic relations, awakens from students respect for the rights and dignity of all nations and all people, regardless of age, gender, language, nationality, religion, citizenship, origin, social, official or property status, or any other circumstances;

      The teacher contributes to the creation of a climate of trust and respect in the college staff;

      5) professional solidarity:

      the teacher cares about the prestige of the profession, respects the honor and dignity of colleagues, does not allow actions harmful to the authority of the teacher.

      It is not allowed in any way to abuse the confidence of their colleagues, to prevent them from fulfilling professional duties, to cause them any damage. The teacher assists colleagues in raising the level of theoretical and methodological skill, in the development of creative abilities, comes to the aid of colleagues in distress. Professional solidarity cannot justify injustice and injustice;

      6) continuity of professional development.

      The teacher improves his professional skills, intellectual, creative and general scientific level.


  1. The basic norms of pedagogical behavior

 The pedagogical worker in his activity:

 1) promotes the upbringing of students and pupils in the spirit of high morality, respect for parents, ethno cultural values, and respect for the outside world;

 2) does not allow the commission of actions capable of discrediting the high rank of a pedagogical worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

 3) conscientiously and efficiently fulfill their duties;

 4) continuously improves his professional skills, is actively engaged in self-education and self-improvement;

 5) strictly observes labor discipline;

 6) carefully treats the property of the organization of education and does not use it for personal purposes;

 7) takes measures to prevent corruption, by his personal behavior sets an example of honesty, impartiality and justice;

 8) does not allow the use of official information for commercial or other personal purposes;

 9) by personal example, contributes to the creation of a stable and positive moral and psychological situation in the team;

 10) adheres to the business style of clothing during his official duties.


In relations with participants in the educational process, teaching staff:

 1) respects human rights, honor and dignity of a person regardless of age, gender, nationality, religion, citizenship, origin of social, official and property status or any other circumstances;

 2) to be impartial and objective in assessing the knowledge and discipline of students, as well as in the application of incentive and punishment measures;

 3) does not allow financial and other extortion in relation to participants in the educational process, make efforts to suppress such actions on the part of their colleagues;

 4) their actions do not give rise to reasonable criticism from the side of society, tolerate it, use constructive criticism to eliminate shortcomings and improve their professional activities;

 5) provide professional support to participants in the educational process.


The teacher in collaboration with colleagues should:

1) comply with generally accepted moral and ethical standards, be polite and correct;

 2) contribute to the establishment and strengthening of business and partnerships and constructive cooperation in the team;

 3) stop the violation of official etiquette by other teachers or take other measures to prevent them;

 4) avoid collective discussions about personal and professional qualities that may entail the honor and dignity of their colleagues;

 5) to prevent actions (inaction) that prevent partners from fulfilling their official duties;

 6) other teaching staff do not question the professional qualifications of the employee.


Teacher in collaboration with the college administration:

 1) to act as a model of one’s attitude towards respect for the honor and dignity of impartiality, justice, self-sufficiency, personality;

 2) to ensure compliance with the principles of meritocracy, not to provide preferential treatment in matters of kinship, association and personality in resolving personnel issues;

 3) to be impartial in evaluating the results of their activities, as well as in the application of rewards and fines;

 4) take measures aimed at creating safe and necessary conditions for work, protecting health, effective functioning, as well as creating a favorable moral and psychological climate that excludes the honor and dignity of workers of all forms of discrimination and abuse;

 5) not to use their official capabilities to influence their activities in resolving issues of a non-commercial nature;

 6) not to force offenses to commit unlawful acts, as well as to generally accepted standards of morality and ethics;

 7) exclude the facts of unfounded accusations, humiliation, dishonesty, inferiority and inaccurate behavior.


Employees ranked below:

 1) provide only objective and reliable information when executing instructions of managers;

 (2) immediately notify the management of disciplinary offenses that are violated by the standards of pedagogical ethics and pedagogical activity, about which they were informed;

 3) to prevent actions (inaction) that impede the execution of the legal instructions of the head;

 4) should not allow personal access to management, strive for benefits and advantages due to their service capabilities.


  1. Limitations and responsibility of the teacher-worker:
  2. To teaching activities:

 1) have medical contraindications;

 2) persons registered in a psychiatric and (or) narcological dispensary;

 3) in accordance with Article 26 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan: criminal offenses, crimes against humanity, health and morality, sexual assault, murder or human trafficking for the purpose of trafficking have been committed or held liable; based on subparagraphs 1) and 2) of the first part of Article 35 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, People are not allowed to work)


  1. A pedagogical employee who has violated official duties and has assumed the position of a pedagogical employee may be held liable under the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Internal Rules.
  2. Clause 14 of Article 52 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan states that an employee performing educational functions is fired for committing illegal actions incompatible with the continuation of this work.
  3. Employees, students, parents (or the student’s legal representative), officials who clarify the circumstances of liability specified in this Code, contact the director of the college. To clarify the circumstances of the case, the director of the college transfers to his deputy or a special commission. The person conducting the inspection or commission acts within the framework of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and is obliged to receive explanations from all employees and students who are negative. In case of refusal of the employee or student to comment, a special act must be completed. Failure to comment is exempted from disciplinary action. The results of the examination are considered at the pedagogical council, and the college director issues an order. Disciplinary, administrative, criminal liability of a teacher is carried out on the basis of applicable law.
  4. The teacher is forbidden to use the educational process for the purposes of political agitation, religious propaganda or the incitement of students to actions contrary to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


  1. General standards of conduct
  2. The teacher must:

 1) to be honest, fair, straightforward, to comply with generally accepted moral and ethical standards, to be polite and attentive in relations with students and colleagues;

 2) ensure the legality and fairness of their decisions;

 3) counteract actions that impede the interests of the college, interfere with the effectiveness of the educational process or reduce its effectiveness;

 4) improve their professional level and qualifications for the effective fulfillment of their duties, comply with the restrictions and prohibitions established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

 5) do not cause criticism from employees and students for their actions and behavior, prevent prosecution in court, eliminate shortcomings and improve their work;

 6) not to use his official position to influence the student, other teaching staff in solving certain issues;

 7) do not disseminate false information;

 8) ensure the safety of college property, use trusted state property for reasonable, effective and only official purposes;

 9) strictly adhere to official discipline, honest, impartial and high-quality performance of their official duties, rational and efficient use of working time;

 10) take continuous measures to improve the quality of education and upbringing;

 11) to prevent the commission of offenses involving disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability;

 12) comply with the rules of pedagogical ethics and official conduct.


  1. The appearance of the teaching staff should enhance the reputation of the college in the performance of their duties and comply with generally accepted business requirements, which are distinguished by business, restraint and impartiality.


Comply with standards of conduct outside the service sector


  1. Standards of conduct outside working hours:

1) adhere to generally accepted moral and ethical standards, to prevent cases of non-public behavior, including in public places, dignity and intoxication in society;

2) to be modest, not to emphasize and not to use one’s position in the learning process;

3) not violate the law, which, in turn, infringes morality, discipline and security in society and prevents the spread of illegal, not public actions of other citizens.


  1. Standards of conduct associated with speaking publicly, including to the media


  1. A public lecture on the activities of the college is conducted by the director or another employee authorized by the director.
  2. The teaching staff, respecting courtesy, should debate, without prejudice to the prestige of the college and teaching activities.
  3. Teachers should express their opinion on public education and upbringing, if it:

 1) does not comply with the main directions of the state educational program;

 2) discloses official information not authorized for publication;

 3) on behalf of government officials, government bodies and other employees in the name of an ethical language, shall not be publicly disclosed.


  1. The publication of materials on pedagogical, scientific and other creative activities may be carried out by a pedagogical worker only on his behalf.

20. In the event that a public accusation is an unfounded accusation that the teacher has committed a corruption offense, he must take measures to eliminate it within a month from the date of discovery of such accusation.

  • Бозжанова Аружан

  • Қайдасов Жасұлан

  • Иманов Аманбек

  • Утегенова Сымбат

  • Жұбанова Ұлжан

  • Нұрғалиева Ақбота









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